Tuesday, May 6, 2008

it's time for perspective

A few nights ago I found an old picture frame from the only high school homecoming dance I attended. Staring at the picture of myself and the girl who became my best friend by default, largely because we spent close to every waking moment together, I was suddenly and quite overwhelmingly struck with the realization that I do not know that girl anymore. More to the point my social circle has dwindled to a select few whom I deem fit to keep me company. Who were all of these obscure characters who have disappeared as quickly as they were introduced into the story that is my life? Am I, at this moment, in the process of loosing more friends? Probably not. Even though, I am quite curious to how exactly this process occurred so many times without my stopping myself and thinking, 'hey, where is (insert transients name here)?'

Now playing: Russian Circles - Youngblood
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. There have been so many "friends" who came and left. Some of them u notice leave, others you dont. But a least rest assured that the few who have stayed so far, are the ones worth having.

JDB said...

you hit the nail on the head when you were talking about taking a step back and looking at your social circles. there are times when it is strange to see which friends stayed in our lives and which have gone, and for what reasons people have moved on... it may be b/c it's to damn early in the AM and i can't sleep but i feel that there is a significant change in the type, way, and interactions i have with the people i make my friends and surround myself with these days in my life.... the ramblings of an online man as the sun comes up.